Fireworks after the 4th


Now that the 4th of July is over, it’s past time to stop setting off fireworks.  Granted, not all fireworks are unlawful in and of themselves, but the fireworks still being set off and heard in the city are illegal.

In Oregon, any “firework” that actually explodes with a LOUD BANG, shoots into the air, or moves more than six feet across the ground is unlawful.  Even owning such a firework, whether or not it used, is a misdemeanor crime and could make the owner/possessor subject to arrest.

The above means that almost all of the fireworks people shot off during the 4th of July were criminal in nature.

Also, the City is under a burn ban per our Fire Chief, so setting off fireworks violates this rule.  From this point forward, if police are able to locate people using illegal fireworks, the fireworks will be seized, and their possessors cited.

Questions about this should be directed to Doug Boedigheimer, Police Chief (541) 938-8259